Links 12/13/15

Links for you. Science:

Lifeline for elephants: Ivory price halves in China after Xi pledges ban
#HackAHairDryer and gender parity in the lab
New Superbug Resistant To All Antibiotics Linked To Imported Meat
How to Stop a Bird-Murdering Cat
Scientists have performed the first full-scale genome analysis of the Ebola virus


It isn’t about assault weapons, it’s about access to guns in the first place
Ex GOP lawmaker says Republicans are not rational, not conservative and have 12-year-old thinking
The Clinton Family’s Typhoid Mary Problem and Bill’s Deflated Balls (I’m not looking forward to four years of having to deal with shit like this)
Ben Carson Isn’t the Only US Politician With a Hand in Shady Latin American Dealings
Shaky Foundations (ugh, again)
When Catholics Were America’s Muslims….
Why does your transit system suck? Some news from Washington DC and Boston
Empowering the Ugliness
Trump’s Republican rivals should be thanking him
Washington’s top real estate developer is painting murals in your neighborhood. Is it art or marketing? Or both?
Achievement gap in D.C. starts in infancy, report shows
Abigail Fisher: The Aggrieved White Woman Who Could Destroy Affirmative Action
Area theater upholds right of Muslim women to watch a movie in peace
How Cliven Bundy Changed Our National Politics
Alan Grayson Was Right
Unobstructed View: Ken Beatrice, Local Treasure
This Is What Boston Landmarks Would Look Like If They Were Gingerbread Houses

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