Links 6/15/15

Links for you. Science:

Dogs snub people who are mean to their owners, study finds
Sympathy for the Devil?
Seeking the Source of Ebola
My response to the OSTP’s RFI on the microbiome
Funding Fever: Researchers Will Use Genome Editing to Increase Support for Science Among Politicians


The Irresistible Realness of Dusty Rhodes
USDA says bird flu outbreak will drive egg prices to record highs
Rich Californians balk at limits: ‘We’re not all equal when it comes to water’
The police are but a reflection of America
What do you think of the death penalty now, Justice Scalia?
Dear America: Meet Bernie Sanders. Properly, This Time
The Case of the Missing Adjective: Writing and Choosing Whiteness (I made a similar point about “Southern” nearly a decade ago)
Jewish Power Takes A Tragically Wrong Turn In Rockland County, New York
Against his better judgment: In the meth corridor of Iowa, a federal judge comes face to face with the reality of congressionally mandated sentencing
David Byrne Does Paul Simon (“The World’s Biggest Prick” According To Some Dude In Los Lobos)
A Group Portrait of New York’s ‘Oldest Old’
What Twitter Can Be.
The Collapse of Rush Limbaugh’s Radio Empire
Time to Kill the Term “Officer-Involved Shooting”
The Entire Population of Kansas Is About to Lose Its Liberty.
Ban the stock buyback binge, bring back the middle class
Texas Teachers Mock Special Ed Students With ‘Ghetto Awards’

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