Links 4/23/15

Links for you. Science:

NIH Director Defends Decision To Add More Employee Parking
The New York Times Misplaces FDA Blame In Latest Dietary Supplement Spiking Episode
Overuse of antibiotics for the common cold – attitudes and behaviors among doctors in rural areas of Shandong Province, China.
Has the first person to achieve immortality already been born?
Volcanic versus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide: An Addendum


Centuries of Italian History Are Unearthed in Quest to Fix Toilet
Don’t make bicyclists more visible. Make drivers stop hitting them. Mandatory helmet laws and glow-in-the-dark spray paint just show who really owns the roads. (I’m a pedestrian, but cyclists make the road safer for me)
Union Station in Washington Has a Grand Development Plan
An Architecture Firm Dreamed Up a Response to DC’s Security Barriers
A Good Professor Is an Exhausted Professor: A North Carolina education bill would be a disaster for research and pedagogy
To end the anguish, drop the death penalty
The Perfect Terrible Aaron Hernandez Hot Take Has Arrived
Identity Markers Do Not Make You Left Wing
The Myth of Police Reform: The real problem is the belief that all our social problems can be solved with force.
Tennessee House Votes to Make Bible Official
Michigan high school students toured Florida colleges, ended up as targets of racism
Why Didn’t I Get Rich
There’s no such crime as ‘driving while white’
Many Volleyball Players Are Furious About Changes To The Courts On the Mall (it’s a little thing, but this is one more reason why having real senators and congressmen who could lean on the Park Service matters)
Legislators think they can fight the IOC and keep control of billboards along area highways
An Imperial Officer From Star Wars Faces the Press (what’s awesome is how in-the-tank he sounds, kinda like many ‘national security’ reporters)
Jon Ronson’s ‘So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed’

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