Links 3/30/13

Links for you. Science:

Political Science, NSF Funding, and the National Interest
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, the Sequel
The Immortal Consenting of Henrietta Lacks
Great white sharks feed three to four times as often as originally estimated (just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…)
Teaching evolution: what should the focus be (more neutral theory!)


The Siren Song Of War: Why Pundits Beat The Drums For Iraq (excellent)
The Retro Husband (brilliant satire)
Covert Ops: Addressing Racism Long Term (read to the end)
The Copyright Rule We Need to Repeal If We Want to Preserve Our Cultural Heritage
Is DCCC chief Steve Israel telling House Dems to vote against Dem budgets?
America’s forgotten black cowboys
Budget Deal Opens ‘Age of Austerity’ for Federal Agencies (I told you sequestration is the new normal especially for science funding)
So what if being LGBT is a choice?
George Washington’s Abolitionism
Let the Waltons go first
Leaving NYC
50-Room Back Bay Mansion Sells for $14.5 Million
How rich “moochers” hurt America: The 3-point plan of wealthy landlords, lenders and insurance providers — the true “takers” threatening the nation
Defeating useless rich people: Taming wealthy, unproductive “moochers” will require a populist campaign to stop them. Here’s how we can do it
Senate Unanimously Votes Against Cuts to Social Security: Media Don’t Notice

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1 Response to Links 3/30/13

  1. Min says:

    In “Defeating Useless Rich People” Michael Lind wrote: “While there are legitimate roles for both professional associations and labor unions, they should not be allowed to act as predatory labor cartels at the expensive of the economy.”

    WTF! One of the best defenses we have against growing inequality are labor unions. To suggest that they are “predatory labor cartels” is way off the mark.

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