Links 1/30/13

Links for you. Science:

Common pesticides ‘can kill frogs within an hour’
Bad pharma: Drug research riddled with half truths, omissions, lies
Bayesian vs. Frequentist: Is there any “there” there?
Identifying Samples from Genomic Data
On outreach


Teacher boycott of standardized test in Seattle spreads
Galbraith: Is This the End for the Deficit Drones? Public opinion is turning on those who seek to cut our social safety net. (not sure it’s turning as much as people are finally noticing)
Selling a New Generation on Guns
I have a problem with Facebook’s Zuckerberg hosting a fundraiser for Chris Christie
Larry Summers Says the Clinton Administration Didn’t Have Access to Government Economic Data
About Privatizing Long Island Power Authority- Part II (didn’t work out so well in Virginia)
The Game Has Changed
In North Carolina, Nation: School Resegregation by Charter?
What Democracy Lost in 2012
The Education of Barack Obama, Foreign Policy Edition
Fun With Robert Samuelson: The Good News Is Bad News
Commenting threads: good, bad, or not at all.

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3 Responses to Links 1/30/13

  1. bobbyp says:

    Galbraith was absolutely awesome. That cut deserves widespread exposure. Send it around.

  2. Ben Goldacre, I think, is guilty of the same sort of bias of which he accuses the phama industry. Do you know how easy it is to claim near fraud for any – ANY! – antidepressant? The fact is that nearly all well-designed clinical trials for antidepressants have huge placebo responses. Such is the nature of the disease. The tricyclics have been considered the standard of efficacy – yet they can not be found to be significantly more effective than succeeding generations of antidepressants. A little surprising consider Goldacre’s allegations of outright fraud on the part of modern pharma preparations?

    Goldacre needs to be telling the other side of the story. That he isn’t, imo, makes his results as guilty of publication bias as the pharma industry.

  3. Dan Koboldt says:

    Mike, thanks for the link to my article on identifying samples from genomic data; I appreciate it. Carry on!

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