Links 8/28/12

Links for you. Science:

Neil Armstrong
Mr. Marcus Admits Starting Porn Syphilis Outbreak By Altering His Test Results (condoms prevent disease transmission, not testing for people with multiple partners. Also, remember public health rule #1: people are idiots.)
Bill Nye (The Science Guy): Creationism is NOT appropriate for children
NSA mathematicians
The Small Effect Size Effect – Why Do We Put Up With Small Effects?


It’s not Ike’s Party anymore (must-read; this is why I always write that Obama is a Rockefeller Republican)
Todd Akin and the People He Represents (must-read)
America’s Tory President (again, Rockefeller Republican, although Tory sounds much more majestic)
Todd Akin Is the Embodiment of the Modern GOP Platform (forgot the Akin stuff, it’s worth reading to understand just how far right the Republican party has swung)
How the Gun Industry Got Rich Stoking Fear About Obama
As ASO’s debt soared, executives’ paychecks ballooned as well (it never occurs to these guys that no one goes to the orchestra to hear the CEO…)
Fix the Debt The Progressive Way!
OBL-killing Navy SEAL, outed by Fox, now targeted by Al Qaeda
The Great Beyond
For all you would-be heroes who think you’ll save the day by carrying a gun…
Detroit Votes to Raise Taxes to Save Cash-Strapped Museum
The NY Times embraces who it is
Canaligator – REAL!
The Best Book Reviews Money Can Buy

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1 Response to Links 8/28/12

  1. deinst says:

    I’m not sure I like the fact that they pulled the original post instead of publishing a retraction, but see for more on the ASO

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