Re Akin, A Dog Whistle Differs From a Bull Horn Only in Its Pitch and Volume…

but the beat and the tune remain the same:


To those who follow the batshitloonitarian right, Akin’s statement about “legitimate rape” is only surprising in its stupidity and artlessness, not its message.

You’ll also notice that I’m not tipping the hat for McCaskill. Obviously, she’s better than Akin, or if he steps aside, a kinder, gentler version of Akin. But that’s damning with faint praise: she typically aligns herself with the conservative wing of the Democratic Party (although she seems to come by her idiocy honestly).

This is the choice we are given: a very mediocre Democrat or a full-blown wackaloon theocrat. The choice, in this case, is clear, but in the long run we have to figure out a way to have a better choice.

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2 Responses to Re Akin, A Dog Whistle Differs From a Bull Horn Only in Its Pitch and Volume…

  1. Bayesian Bouffant, FCD says:

    Akin vows to stand up for “the regular people who believe that women who get pregnant really couldn’t have been raped” against “the big party people.”

    I hope I got those quotes right.

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