Links 6/24/12

Links for you. Science:

Atta laevigata, the largest of the leafcutter ants.
Potentially toxic algae bloom starts early in Charles River
Is it ok to get paid to promote Open Access?
UK Archaeology Departments Face Sustainability Crisis (NIH are you reading?)
Why Homo erectus Lived Like a Baboon


The Euro Is Flat
Microsoft and Apple: The History Casey Mulligan Doesn’t Know (good points about monopolies)
‘Dear TSA: I am not your customer’
Mitt Romney’s Pretty Pony Takes the Spotlight
Not just an ordinary superhero (glad to see that I’m not the only one who thought Unbreakable was a pretty good movie)
Lessons on Leadership: The University of Virginia Fires a President
Why the F*CK Didn’t You, Madame Speaker?
How a Book Burning Party Saved the Library
The Ponzi Arithmetic of Profit
Platinum coin enters the main stream
How municipal bond dealers robbed Americans of billions
Quants, Models, and the Blame Game
The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia: How America’s biggest banks took part in a nationwide bid-rigging conspiracy – until they were caught on tape
Police Fatality Statistics Show 2012 On Pace To Be Safest Year For Police In 60 Years
Lunch: An Urban Invention
Achievement Gap Persists For Low-Income Students While Competing Philosophies Vie For Influence

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