I Am Still the Punditiest Pundit EVAH!: The First Derivative Edition

Back when the Obama Administration was blabbering on about “green shoots”, the forefather of the confidence fairy, I repeatedly bemoaned the confusion between the change in unemployment or other economic indicators (the first derivative) versus the number of people actually unemployed. Equally awful was the fixation on the second derivative: the rate at which the first derivative changes (i.e., the speed of the change). Because a minor change in the amount of a whole lotta suck is still a whole lotta suck.

By way of a longtime reader, we discover that, two years after I demonstrated basic mathematical literacy, wunderkinder Matthew Yglesias has stumbled across the same point:

Here’s the way I think the Obama administration saw it:


That’s a steep downturn at the end of the Bush administration followed by a sharp recovery. Verdict: Our crisis intervention measures worked, and the conditions for future growth are set. Here’s the way they should have seen it:

This is a steep decline at the end of the Bush administration, which slows and then ends. Verdict: Our crisis intervention measures worked, but now we’re at the bottom of a big ditch and need a new set of measures to climb back to the top.

This is not hard. It wasn’t even difficult to notice while it was happening (I did after all). Though I suppose one part of the pundit’s art is to point out the obvious and make said pointer seem brilliant.

You know, I should get paid to wite this stuff. Or something.

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3 Responses to I Am Still the Punditiest Pundit EVAH!: The First Derivative Edition

  1. eNeMeE says:

    You know, I should get paid to wite this stuff. Or something.

    That can’t happen until you start being wrong all the time.

  2. Carl Weetabix – Geneva, Switzerland – Carl Weetabix is a pseudonym for someone else. While the one who would be called Carl would love to use his own identity, the reality of the world suggests otherwise. Carl would hope that any other who lives in this increasingly mad world would understand. Carl is like everyone else, including those who would claim otherwise, of no import. Nonetheless he is a Senior Fellow at the RUTROW.org Institute. Carl believes this exactly as much value as any other "think tank" Senior Fellowship. Carl by modern terms would be described as a "raving liberal" and proud of it. In more sane times Carl would be considered a moderate. Carl has many conservative friends and even family and despite often disagreeing, thinks not only are they good people, but sometimes have their points - it's when you get to those steering the boat that Carl has his real issues, but this is true of many "liberals" as well. Carl sometimes gets angry and says unkind things. Carl hopes that readers will understand that this is just natural human expression. Carl understands however that unkind things might make others similarly inclined to be unkind, but Carl hopes that like his expression, theirs will remain limited to the realm of words. Carl loves all fuzzy animals, and not just for breakfast.
    Carl Weetabix says:

    Geeze, on NPR yesterday they said the recession is over – I don’t know what the unemployed are complaining about…

  3. Walt Garage says:

    I was going to comment on your post, but then I saw the ad for Garnier asking me what skin care issue is most important, so my comments will have to wait…..

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