Electronic Voting Machines Work Fine As Long As You Don’t Want to Vote for Obama

Note to election officials–a good way to restore faith in the validity of election results is to have the demonstration machine function properly:

How hard is this? Bank machines don’t screw up this badly. I think any company that makes a machine that fails repeatedly should be heavily fined for every defective machine. This is ludicrous.

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4 Responses to Electronic Voting Machines Work Fine As Long As You Don’t Want to Vote for Obama

  1. Pockets says:

    WOW…he just calibrated it, and it still voted wrong…

  2. Monado says:

    Odd that the demonstrator didn’t address the fact that calibration didn’t work. I’ve never seen a touch-screen more than a fraction of an inch out of line. Imagine the lineups if everyone has to get their machine calibrated two or three times.

  3. Andrew says:

    Are international election observers banned from the US this time around as well?

  4. Steve says:

    “Note to election officials–a good way to restore faith in the validity of election results is to abolish black-box electronic voting and mandate optical scan or otherwise paper-trail verifiable systems everywhere, immediately.”

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