Links 4/26/13

Links for you. Science:

Who Can Stop These Adorable Pigs? Voracious. Destructive. Radioactive. Wild boars take over.
Picking your nose and eating it may be good for you (TEH SCIENTISMZ!!!)
Hormone said to raise insulin lost to diabetes (a long way to go, but a very promising development)


Out of time (excellent)
Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories (And Why You Shouldn’t)–also very good. There is no Kaiser Söze.
The Texas fertilizer plant explosion cannot be forgotten
Would It Not Be Easier for Matt Yglesias to Dissolve the Bangladeshi People and Elect Another?
Discredited Harvard Austerity-Pushers Reinhart and Rogoff Keep Lying to Protect Themselves
Urban Outfitters describes customers as ‘upscale homeless’
Atheists shocked at exclusion from bombing memorial service (I’m not an atheist–not that there’s anything wrong with being one. But it’s awful to exclude the Humanists, when one severely injured person is a staunch supporter. There have been too much ‘official’ and ‘approved’ ways to feel about and react to the bombings)
The Coming Revolution in Public Education: Critics say the standardized test-driven reforms pushed by those like Michelle Rhee may actually be harming students. (Pleasantly surprised that Tierney is on the right side on this)
Boston highlights healthcare’s lost promise: it’s charity now, policy later

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