Links 2/21/12

Links for you. Science:

BPA’s Obesity And Diabetes Link Strengthened By New Study
Nasty ‘superbug’ is being studied by UB researchers
All genomes are dysfunctional: broken genes in healthy individuals
It’s a Shark-Eating Shark–Eating–Shark World
From depths of the Charles, an ancient species


A letter from a former altar boy to the national press corps regarding that “devout” Catholic, Rick Santorum (as usual, Lance nails it)
Navigating Global Prosperity: An Interview with Paul Davidson (kinda wonkish, but worth reading)
Guns, Rick Santorum, the Koch brothers, Islamophobia and Michelle Rhee (pretty much tells you everything you need to know about education ‘reformer’ Michelle Rhee)
Holiday from banks
MMT Basics:You Cannot Consider the Deficit in Isolation
A contraception game-changer: In the battle over contraception, it’s time for the Roman Catholic Church to acknowledge the pill’s health benefits. The U.S. should even allow over-the-counter sales.
Skateboarding, New York, 1960s
The Ugly Circus
Banks face backlash as they bid for top sites
Another March to War?
Have the Catholic Bishops and Barack Obama moved the Overton Window on contraception?
Santorum: He’s not funny any more

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